Thy Kingdom Come

Catechetical sermons preached in PCC Evening Worship Services, Feb 2013 to Dec 2017

WSC 102 of 107

…Thy kingdom come

Matthew 6:10a

WSC 102. What do we pray for in the second petition?

A. In the second petition (which is, Thy kingdom come1), we pray, That Satan’s kingdom may be destroyed;2 and that the kingdom of grace may be advanced,3 ourselves and others brought into it, and kept in it;4 and that the kingdom of glory may be hastened.5

1 Mt 6:10; 2 Ps 68:1,18; 3 Rev 12:10,11; 4 2 Th 3:1; Rom 10:1; Jn 17:9, 20; 5 Rev 22:20.

The Lord’s Prayer comprises a preface, six petitions and a conclusion.

Previously, we studied the first petition, which is “Hallowed be thy name.” We saw how this teaches us to pray “That God would enable us and others to glorify him in all that whereby he maketh himself known; and that he would dispose all things to his own glory” (WSC 101).

Today, with the Lord helping us, we want to consider the second petition, “Thy Kingdom Come.”

At first glance, this does not seem to be a petition. It looks like a mere statement. But what is not clear in English is very clear in Greek. Translated literally, it will read: “Let come the Kingdom of yours.”

When we pray, “Thy Kingdom come,” we are saying, “Lord, let thy kingdom come.”

What does that mean? What are taught to pray for in this petition? Our Shorter Catechism provides us with the answer:

In the second petition (which is, Thy kingdom come) we pray, That Satan’s kingdom may be destroyed; and that the kingdom of grace may be advanced,  ourselves and others brought into it, and kept in it; and that the kingdom of glory may be hastened

WSC 102

Notice the suggestion that the prayer may be understood under three petitions: (1) That the kingdom of grace may be advanced, (2) That the kingdom of glory may be hastened, and (3) That the kingdom of Satan may be destroyed.

Before we consider these three petitions, we must first define the kingdom of God.

So this sermon will have four points, or more specifically, four things which we may learn from the second petition of the Lord’s Prayer:

  1. We should be concerned about the Kingdom of God;
  2. We should pray for the destruction of Satan’s Kingdom;
  3. We should pray for the advance of the Kingdom of Grace;
  4. We should pray for the hastening of the Kingdom of Glory.

1. The Kingdom of God

The Lord’s second petition does not explicitly mention the “Kingdom of God,” but “thy kingdom” is clearly God’s Kingdom. But what is the kingdom of God?

Well, every kingdom has a king and subjects. The kingdom of God, obviously, is a kingdom with God or His appointed representative as king. Who are the subjects of this kingdom? Naturally, they are God’s people, but who are they?

Interestingly, the first reference to the people of God is found back in Genesis 3:15. There, God announces the beginning of the cosmic war between two kingdoms, even the kingdom of God represented by the seed of the woman—which is Christ and all united to Him, and the kingdom of Satan represented by the Serpent and his seed. From that time on, the two kingdoms fought. From then on, every person born into this world would be involved in this cosmic war. They would either fight on the side of the seed of the woman or the side of the seed of the serpent.

Sometimes, they fought physically, but usually, they fought spiritually. In Old Testament days, the kingdom of Satan sought to prevent the birth of the King of the kingdom of God with many schemes and devices, including enticing God’s people to his side. Think of Ahab and Jezebel; think of Athaliah, Manasseh, etc.

But his plan failed. Christ was born in the line of King David in Bethlehem, Judah. When He was a child, Satan tried to kill Him, but he failed. He began to minister at age thirty. He preached about the kingdom of God. Later, Satan thought that He had the upper hand when he managed to get Christ crucified. But all he did was bruise the heel of Christ. Christ rose victorious from the dead on the third day. He conquered death. He had crushed the head of the serpent. Victory is secured for the kingdom of God.

But God has appointed that the Serpent must not be wholly incapacitated. He is given a season of time to writhe in his death throe to try to entice the people of God to go into hell with him.

Therefore, God’s people must still fight. There are still pockets of resistance everywhere. Christ promised that His church or His kingdom would march on, and the gates of hell would not prevail against it (Mt 16:18). But the way forward will not be smooth sailing. There will be many battles. This is why we must be concerned, this is why we must pray, and this is why the armour of God must be used with prayer.

How shall we pray?

Reformed theologians speak of the kingdom of God in terms of the “kingdom of grace” and the “kingdom of glory.” The kingdom grace is the kingdom of God in its earthly and temporal manifestation. The kingdom of glory is its heavenly and eternal manifestation.

Because of the Fall, almost every member of the kingdom of God begins as a member of the kingdom of Satan before being translated into the kingdom of grace. To be clear, it is only when they are finally in the kingdom of grace that they begin to fight the battles of Christ. Before that, they may be external members of the kingdom (such as if they are baptised children), but are not actually fighting the battles of Christ. They may, charitably, be regarded as being in the kingdom of Grace, but in a certain way, they are captives from the kingdom of Satan until their conversion.

Now, those who are genuinely in the kingdom of grace will fight the good fight of faith. Thus, they are known as the Church Militant. It comprises those who forsake the kingdom of Satan and are translated by God into the kingdom of his dear Son. These are those who sincerely love and obey Christ. But they can still be tempted by the devil to fight on his side.

But when these members of the Church Militant die and are glorified, they become citizens in the “kingdom of glory.” The kingdom of glory is essentially the Church Triumphant. It is the eternal kingdom of Christ. It is the consummation of His kingdom, which will be revealed when Christ comes again as the victorious Judge and King. But this kingdom of glory will not come until the total number of the elect of Christ has been enlisted into the kingdom of grace.

Why should we be concerned about these things? Do they not seem to be distant theological discursions far removed from the Christian life? No, no; they have everything to do with us, for remember that every one of us in this room is either in the kingdom of Satan, or in the kingdom of grace. Our eternal happiness has a lot to do with which kingdom we belong to.

And the happiness of our loved ones and the glory of God has a lot to do with the progress of the kingdom of God. If so, is it not clear that we must be concerned about the Kingdom of God?

Do we need to wonder why Christ taught us to pray that the kingdom of God come?

But what specific petitions should we make in this regard? Consider, first, how we should pray for the destruction of Satan’s kingdom.

2. Destruction of Satan’s Kingdom

What is the kingdom of Satan? The kingdom of Satan comprises anything, anyone, or any organisation that opposes the kingdom of Christ. In the Old Covenant, the kingdom of Satan was initially made up of the sons of man or the descendants of Cain, whereas the sons of God or the descendants of Seth represented the kingdom of God. The flood destroyed the kingdom of Satan in its outward manifestation, but soon, it emerged again amongst the descendants of Noah.

Throughout the time, Satan was directing his kingdom to destroy the kingdom of God and to prevent as much as possible the birth of Messiah the Prince. They failed.

In the New Testament, the kingdom of Satan’s aim is now to weaken the church of Christ, prevent as many as possible from entering into the kingdom of glory, and cause as much shame to the name of Christ as possible.

What does Satan use? False religions, counterfeit Christianity, materialism, worldly entertainment, godless education, the failures of parents and church, etc.

So, we must pray for the weakening and destruction of false religions. How do we desire that these religions be destroyed? By the sword of the gospel, i.e., by preaching God’s Word! For the sake of the glory of Christ and the good of His church, we must pray that God would weaken and destroy all false religions, but especially those which are blatantly the enemies of God’s kingdom.

But false religions are not the only enemies of the kingdom of Christ. Materialism and her partner-in-crime, Evolutionism, for example, are today, perhaps even greater enemies of the gospel.

Therefore, we must also pray that God would not allow Satan to use Mammon and her principles to blind the eyes of God’s people or to cause men and women to become so self-sufficient and proud that they despise the gospel.

Money is not evil in itself, but the love of money is. Material prosperity is not bad in itself, but it can be used as a weapon by the evil one to blind the eyes of the people and to harden their hearts to the gospel. Do you not notice how seldom material prosperity mixes with spiritual prosperity in the same heart? “They that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition,” says the apostle Paul (1 Tim 6:9). So not many rich are called.

Isn’t this true? Look at our neighbouring countries where there is poverty. Do you see how the believers cherish the gospel and every opportunity to attend to the means of grace? But look at the countries where there is general prosperity. How few think the means of grace are important at all?

Shall we, therefore, not pray as Agur, the son of Jakeh, did?

Give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me:  9 Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the LORD? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain

Prov 30:8-9

Shall we not pray this for ourselves? Shall we not pray this for our nation?

Again, think of the entertainment industry today. The internet, television, and cinemas: are not many of these things also falling into the hands of the wicked one to serve as tanks, artillery and armour vehicles for the kingdom of Satan? Shall we not pray, therefore, that God may tear down these things and prevent their prosperity and advancement?

Shall we not pray for the loss and destruction of the whole immoral entertainment industry? And shall we not, as we pray, become very discerning about what is spewing out of Hollywood and other woods? Not everything coming out directly opposes the kingdom of God, but a lot of it is.

We should learn to make such negative petitions as we enlarge on “Thy Kingdom come!” We should pray for the destruction of false religion, the snare of materialism, and the grip of immoral entertainment. We must pray that the world may not continue to make inroads into the church.

But positively, we should pray for the advance of the kingdom of grace.

3. The Advance of the Kingdom of Grace

We must desire that the kingdom of grace advance in the world above all other kingdoms.

How does the Kingdom of Grace advance? It advances by growing its army and citizenship. It also advances with the citizens becoming more loyal to the King and better equipped to fight spiritual battles.

Thus, we pray, first of all, that the sheep whom Christ laid his life down for may be brought into the fold through the power of the Spirit of Christ.

So we pray, first, for those who are still outside the fold:

  • “Lord, order Thy providence so that we may be effective witnesses for Christ.”
  • “Give me the courage to talk to John Doe to invite Him to come to hear the Gospel next Sabbath. Move me, O Lord, so that if he is thy sheep, he may not be hindered from coming.”
  • “Grant, O Lord, that as we invite our relatives and friends to hear the gospel preached, that Thou would cause the seed of the gospel to fall on good soils.”

Secondly, we must also pray that those who have already been brought into the kingdom of Christ, including ourselves, may grow in grace. So we pray:

  • “Lord, help us with Thy Word! Use Thy word preached to tear down strongholds in our lives. Grant us that we may more and more to die unto sin and to live unto righteousness by the power of Thy Spirit.”
  • “Please keep us in the narrow way though the way may be difficult. Help us to deny ourselves and take up our crosses.”
  • “Please renew us and transform us by the renewing of our minds that we may be more and more like Christ, Thy only begotten son.”
  • “Draw us, that we may run after Thee, to enjoy and glorify Thee.”
  • “Grant that more and more, the power of Thy Kingdom may be manifested through our church as we and our children respond to the preaching of the gospel.”
  • “Cause that Thy word preached may be used of thee to enlarge and strengthen Thy kingdom not only through numerical, but spiritual growth.”
  • “Give us the wisdom and grace to nurture our covenant children in the most holy faith. Help our fathers to be diligent to instruct them and not to be overly harsh. Help our mothers to be diligent in praying for them. Work in the hearts of our children by Thy Spirit.”
  • “Remove, therefore, the obstacles that prevent us from coming to the means of grace which Thou hast appointed for our Spiritual nourishment.”
  • “Lord, Thy people are bent on backsliding. Keep us, we pray, from apostasy. Protect our youths from the devil’s deception as they enter their young adult years.”

This, then, is how we ought to pray as we pour out our hearts unto the Father regarding the advance of the Kingdom of Grace. Or as our catechism puts it, we must pray: “that the kingdom of grace may be advanced,ourselves and others brought into it, and kept in it.

4. Hastening the Kingdom of Glory

This is the prayer of the apostle Paul, encapsulated in one Aramaic word, “Maranatha,” which means “Come quickly, Lord.”

Every child of God will surely desire that the Lord returns quickly. When the Lord returns, His kingdom of glory shall be revealed, and sin and all that oppose God and pollute His saints will be eradicated.

In that day, the church of Christ will be openly vindicated and, as a body, will be granted eternal rest from all sorrows, pain, and suffering. That day will be the death of all sighs and groans. Oh, what a glorious day that will be!

How we long for that day! And so we pray that the Lord will hasten that day.

But Christ will only return when the last number of the elect has been born and added into the kingdom of Grace (2 Pet 3:9). Therefore, in praying “Thy Kingdom Come,” we should also pray that God will make use of more active and effective instruments to draw sinners unto himself.

Of course, prayer must be confirmed by actions. Prayer is an outpouring of our heart’s desire unto the LORD. If we pray that God will bring His elect in through our hands, we will be busy engaging in evangelism. Otherwise, our prayer is hypocritical.

So as we pray, “thy kingdom come,” we should also pray:

  • “Lord, come quickly! Give us patience and perseverance as we watch for Thy coming, but come quickly, O Lord.”
  • “See how thy church is suffering. See how the world mocks Thy name. Come and vindicate Thy name. Let not the heathen any more trample under foot Thy great and glorious name.”
  • “Lord, Thou hast taught us that the gospel must first be preached in all the world. Therefore, we plead with Thee to raise more labourers to serve in the harvest field and send them forth with hearts aflame for Thee and the Gospel.”
  • “Please bless our endeavours to spread the truth of the Gospel to other countries. Prosper our labours in Thailand and China. Cause that our website and tape ministry may be used for the extension of the kingdom.”
  • “Help us in these things, heavenly Father, for we long for the coming of the great and glorious day of our Lord Jesus Christ!”


Thy Kingdom Come!” May the Lord grant us that we may reflect a deep concern for the kingdom of Christ in our prayers. Christ has established His Church, and the gates of hell will not prevent her march. But in so far as Christ Himself has taught us to pray, “Thy Kingdom come,” we must understand that the development of the Kingdom, to some degree, hinges upon the prayers of the subject in the kingdom.

All members of the kingdom must contribute to her growth.

But let us realise that we must contribute not only by doing but also by praying. Therefore, if you cannot be an active witness for Christ for some reason, will you not be much in prayer? Do not despise the ministry of prayer. Your prayer may be more effectual than a thousand words over the pulpit.

Remember to pray as the Lord has taught us. In particular, remember to be concerned about the kingdom of God rather than merely about the health of individuals. Remember to pray: “Thy kingdom come.” And so pray:

  • “That Satan’s kingdom may be destroyed;”
  • “and that the kingdom of grace may be advanced,  ourselves and others brought into it, and kept in it;”
  • “and that the kingdom of glory may be hastened.”

The Lord has taught us to pray, “Thy Kingdom Come.” Will He not hear us? Amen.

 —JJ Lim

Edited by: LPS