How We Ought not to Pray
Prayer must not be for show. Remember that your primary audience is God, who knows your heart better than you do. Your primary audience is not those who are joining you in prayer.
Prayer must not be for show. Remember that your primary audience is God, who knows your heart better than you do. Your primary audience is not those who are joining you in prayer.
We can’t pray effectually until we know how, what and when God wants us to pray in His Word. What is God’s complete guide for prayer? It is the whole word of God!
As we commemorate our 25th Anniversary, may we, as a church, learn from young Hezekiah the lessons of giving priority to the things of the Lord and the importance of holiness of life and gladness of heart in worship.
Continuing Rev. Samuel Rutherford’s sermon on the parable of the Great Supper in four points. We go through the third point in this article.
What is prayer? How to pray? Why pray? These are questions that few of us will ask when we become Christians.
What is required to the worthy receiving of the Lord’s supper? Our Shorter Catechism summarises these biblical instructions for us.
The Lord’s Supper is an essential ordinance of the Lord. With each Lord’s Supper we observe, we are nearer to the coming again of our Lord.
Our Shorter Catechism, Question 95 asks, “To whom is baptism to be administered?” We see how the Scriptures supports the answer in the Shorter Catechism
Through our Lord’s Great Commission and other related texts, we see the What, Why, How, Who and When of baptism.
How do the sacraments become effectual means of salvation? What is a sacrament? Which are the sacraments of the New Testament?