Psalm 119:57-64 (8th part)

1650 psalter
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A pilgrim and stranger guided day and night by the Law of the Lord

If psalm 117 is the shortest, this is the longest. It is unusual in many respects. It is divided into twenty-two sections, so being commensurate with the Hebrew alphabet. Each section is prefixed with the respective letter of the alphabet, as also is the beginning of each verse in every section. It is thought that this facilitated easier memorising for the Jewish children.

Another peculiar feature is, that apart from two verses all the rest contain a synonym for the Word of God. So there is reference to testimonies, judgments, statutes, precepts, etc. The whole psalm describes devotion to, and persuasion of, the Word of God as containing all the principles of true religion and practice. Without it we have no light to our path, nor lamp for our feet; and by it, as with the book of Proverbs, there is given divine wisdom for conducting ourselves in all circumstances of life. One has written of v. 174, “Religion will decay or flourish as it (the Law) is our duty or delight.”

Pastor Jeff O’ Neil

Recommended Tune: St Minver

St Minver

Psalm 119:57-64

Cheth ח the eighth part

⁵⁷Thou my sure portion art alone,
Which I did choose, O LORD:
I have resolv’d, and said, that I
Would keep thy holy word.

⁵⁸With my whole heart I did entreat
Thy face and favour free:
According to thy gracious word
Be merciful to me.

⁵⁹I thought upon my former ways,
And did my life well try;
And to thy testimonies pure
My feet then turned I.

⁶⁰I did not stay, nor linger long,
As those that slothful are;
But hastily thy laws to keep
Myself I did prepare.

⁶¹Bands of ill men me robb’d; yet I
Thy precepts did not slight.
⁶²I’ll rise at midnight thee to praise,
Ev’n for thy judgments right.

⁶³I am companion to all those
Who fear, and thee obey.
⁶⁴O LORD, thy mercy fills the earth:
Teach me thy laws, I pray.