The Righteous One’s Safety Amid Foes
This is the first psalm directly named as David’s, which he wrote when he fled from his son, Absalom. It is to be noted that although David was in great straits and stress, yet the composition depicts that he was given great calm and peace of mind after his initial fears and anxieties. This was because he looked to God and placed his confidence in Him, (vv. 3&4). We ought to remember this psalm when we, too, are surrounded by difficulties.
Pastor Jeff O’ Neil
Psalm 3
¹O Lord, how are my foes increas’d?
Against me many rise.
²Many say of my soul, For him
In God no succour lies.
³Yet thou my shield and glory art,
Th’uplifter of mine head.
⁴I cried, and, from his holy hill,
The Lord me answer made.
⁵I laid me down and slept; I wak’d;
For God sustained me.
⁶I will not fear though thousands ten
Set round against me be.
⁷Arise, O Lord; save me, my God;
For thou my foes hast stroke
All on the cheekbone, and the teeth
Of wicked men hast broke.
⁸Salvation doth appertain
Unto the Lord alone:
Thy blessing, Lord, for evermore
Thy people is upon.