In beauty of his holiness,
O do the LORD adore;
Likewise let all the earth throughout
Tremble his face before.
(Psalm 96:9)
Pilgrim Covenant Church
In beauty of his holiness,
O do the LORD adore;
Likewise let all the earth throughout
Tremble his face before.
(Psalm 96:9)
Join us in worship
Worship with us
Lord's Day Morning Service
Sun 9.30amLord's Day Evening Service
Sun 5.30pmPrayer Meeting
Fri 8.15pmAddress
203B Henderson Road,
Singapore 159546
Service details
Upcoming Lord' s Day (16 Mar 2025)
Morning Service
“The Joy of Forgiveness”
Pastor Kihei Takiura on Matthew 18:21-35
[1] 145:8-16 (Walton)
[2] 32:1-6 (Old 22nd )
[3] 32:7-11 (St Peter)
Evening Service
“Jesus Preaches and is Rejected on Home Ground”
Pastor Linus Chua on Luke 4:14-30
[1] 68:1-6 (Richmond)
[2] 68:7-17 (Weymouth)
[3] 25:4-10 (2nd Metre, St Paul)
What we believe
We believe that salvation is found in the Lord Jesus Christ alone, and that we are saved by grace through faith alone. Our highest authority is the Holy Bible which is the Word of God.
As a church, we also subscribe to the Westminster Confessional Standards as subordinate standards, which were agreed upon by the Westminster Assembly of divines on 4 Dec 1646 and originally adopted by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland on 27 Aug 1647.
Our story
We are a Reformed Presbyterian Church founded on 4 July 1999 in Singapore. Though we desire by the mercies of God, to grow eventually into a Presbyterian fellowship of congregations, we are at the moment a small congregation covenanted to serve and worship the Lord together as a branch of the body of Christ.