These are weekly articles published in our church bulletin. Feel free to use them for your leisure reading and personal edification. You may like to use the search box above to search for any particular topic of interest to help you find what you need.
Worship Acceptably
In this article, we look at the second commandment.
No Other GODs
God has spoken: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”. In this article, we consider the First Commandment in six simple propositions…
The LORD, our God, and Redeemer
We are bound not only by duty but also by gratitude to keep the commandments.
The Greatest Commandments
Christ shows us how to keep the commandments and how to love. He shows us that it is possible to keep the law perfectly and to love perfectly.
The Ten Commandments
The Moral Law alone is applicable to all men, in every place and at all times.
The Moral Law
Because the moral law has been given, all men are liable to be judged, and all men are guilty before God.
The Whole Duty of Man
Though God requires of us perfect obedience, we can never be saved by our perfect obedience. Thank God for Christ Jesus our Lord who kept God’s revealed will for us perfectly.