Weekly Articles

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These are weekly articles published in our church bulletin. Feel free to use them for your leisure reading and personal edification. You may like to use the search box above to search for any particular topic of interest to help you find what you need.

  • The Redeemer

    Do you recognise your need for a redeemer? Do you know the redeemer? Do you live as one who knows your redeemer?

  • The Covenant of Grace

    Thank God that the Messiah has come. We have eternal life because the covenant of grace has been fulfilled for us. 

  • Chosen in Christ

    We cannot save ourselves because all our righteous deeds are filthy rags in the sight of God. We cannot pay for our sins, nor can we win a place in heaven by good works. What hope, then, do we have?

  • The Children of God’s Wrath

    If you know that you are a sinner, dead in trespasses and sin, know that you are bound for hell, and hear Christ calling, you are Lazarus. Christ is calling you: “Lazarus, come forth!” 

  • The Fall of Mankind

    Adam’s sin resulted in sin and death for all mankind. You and I are sinners because of Adam’s sin. You and I deserve to die because of Adam’s first sin.

  • What Is Sin?

    Righteousness is not what people say of you or how honest or gentlemanly you are. To be righteous in God’s eye is to be perfectly aligned with God’s law.

  • Meditation by the Lord’s Table

    Herein is set forth how by free grace alone a man can be converted to God and be led to faith in Christ, and also how spiritual life will manifest itself in such a person.