Honour Whom Honour Is Due
Our Shorter Catechism teaches us that the Fifth Commandment has to do with our relationship with superiors, inferiors and equals.
Our Shorter Catechism teaches us that the Fifth Commandment has to do with our relationship with superiors, inferiors and equals.
May Christ, the Lord of the Sabbath, be greatly exalted as we seek to make it known to the world that we belong to Him by making His day a delight.
May the Lord help us to delight in the Sabbath of the Lord and seek both to keep it holy and to delight in it to the glory of God and Christ, our Creator and Redeemer, for the good of our body and soul.
Q: Why is it so important, especially for covenant children, to desire to partake of the Lord’s Supper?
In this article, we go through the Third Commandment as the WSC teaches us
In this article, we look at the second commandment.
God has spoken: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”. In this article, we consider the First Commandment in six simple propositions…
We are bound not only by duty but also by gratitude to keep the commandments.
Christ shows us how to keep the commandments and how to love. He shows us that it is possible to keep the law perfectly and to love perfectly.
The Moral Law alone is applicable to all men, in every place and at all times.