The Triune God
If you believe in the Bible, you must believe in the doctrine of the Trinity. You cannot truly be a Christian if you do not believe in the Trinity.
If you believe in the Bible, you must believe in the doctrine of the Trinity. You cannot truly be a Christian if you do not believe in the Trinity.
This verse lends itself naturally to a threefold description of who the Lord Jehovah is: (1) He is the true God; (2) He is the living God; and (3) He is an everlasting King.
Extracted from Guilelmus Saldenus & Wilhelmus à Brakel, In Remembrance of Him: Profiting from the Lord’s Supper.
Ultimately, the knowledge of God is not merely to inform us about God. Instead, it enables us to relate to God—to praise him, to commune with Him, and to enjoy Him.
As we contemplate the fact that God is infinite, eternal and unchangeable, let us remind ourselves of the great distance between God and us.
Let us worship God through the Lord Jesus Christ. God is a spirit. There is no way for us to have fellowship with Him except through Christ Jesus.
Most of all, as we learn about God, let us fear Him and love Him. We see through the Scriptures that it is only through Christ that we may enjoy and glorify God.
The holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. They were like sailboats being driven by the wind to their destination.
Many years ago, when I was still a young boy, someone from Campus Crusade approached me. He said, “God loves you and offers a wonderful life for you,” and then he shared what he believed was the gospel with me.
1 Corinthians 10:31 is a famous verse. It is the proof text of the famous first question of the Westminster Shorter Catechism: “What is the chief end of men?” As our children will know very well, the answer is “Man’s chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.”